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Alcohol Approval Form
Updated 7/15/2022

To request approval of expenditures for a University sponsored function or event where alcohol will be served; completed prior to payment or reimbursement

Contract Request Form
Updated 3/10/2017

To begin the contract process
Requires an OnBase login.
Contract Request Guide

To request ratification on orders of $10,000 or more placed prior to a Purchase Order being established

Detailed receipts are required for all PCard expenditures or reimbursement requests for Official Functions. An Official Function Documentation form must be completed and attached along with receipts to the PCard transaction or reimbursement request. 

To complete and attach to a new contract request for Performance Event Contracts

Purchase Requisition Form
Updated 10/19/2021

Authorization form required to obtain a Purchase Order (PO) number
Requisition Instructions

To request an increase or decrease to the encumbered amount on an established PO, or to request a change to the FOAPA(s) on an established PO.

To complete and attach to a new contract request for Service Agreements

Sole Source Justification
Updated 1/29/2018

Complete when there is a single item that will satisfy the procurement need and a single source of the item 

Complete for software purchases to expedite IM&T approval and review of terms and conditions prior to payment

To transfer a purchase order from current fiscal year to next fiscal year 

Statement verifying that an evaluation committee member does not have a conflict of interest in regards to an RFP 

To pre-authorize employee and student travel

Travel Reimbursement Form 2024 Mileage Rate

To request reimbursement for mileage and expenses when the UNC Travel Card was not accepted by vendor/contractor for travel occuring before 1/1/2025.

Travel Reimbursement Form 2025 Mileage Rate
Updated 1/14/2025

To request reimbursement for mileage and expenses when the UNC Travel Card was not accepted by vendor/contractor for travel occuring after 1/1/2025.

UNC Visa Card Application
Updated 2/1/2021

Application for a UNC Visa card
Requires an OnBase login.