Mexican American Studies B.A.
Gain a deeper understanding of the historical development and cultural experience of the fastest growing population in the United States: Mexican Americans. Emphasizing community engagement and culturally-based education, the program offers extensive opportunities to learn by doing, such as:
- Teaching Mexican American culture as part of an after-school arts program at Dos Rios Elementary School.
- Taking part in faculty-sponsored and scholarly-based cultural events such as the celebration of Día de los Muertos and the Chicana/o Festival de Artes.
- Conducting interviews with former Mexican farm laborers still living in the area as part of the Colorado Bracero Project.
- Gaining hands-on experience via numerous internship opportunities at local businesses, agencies, schools and hospitals.
Small classes are guided by top faculty who are native speakers of the Spanish language, many of whom have experience living in bilingual and bicultural homes. There’s also our vibrant Mexican American Studies Club that allows you to converse with students in the same major and celebrate the culture.
Degree Options
Choose a program option that best meets your personal interests and career goals. You can pursue your bachelor’s degree in Mexican American Studies with a Liberal Arts or Secondary Teaching emphasis. We also offer a Bilingual Bicultural Endorsement.
Liberal Arts
Examine contemporary reality of Mexican American life through the lens of history, literature, sociology, political science, gender studies and psychology. The Liberal Arts Concentration offers five areas of concentration you can pursue based on your interests:
- Community Health and Nutrition
- Globalization, Border and Migration
- Youth Advocacy
- Social Justice and Public Policy
- TESL, Bilingualism: Mexican Americans and the U.S. Educational Experience
Not only will you develop critical thinking and writing skills that provide a solid foundation in the liberal arts, you will gain essential tools for making informed judgments about the complex nature of our diverse society.
Social Studies Secondary Teaching
Prepare to teach social studies to culturally diverse students at the middle and secondary levels. With an interdisciplinary focus that includes contributions and perspectives of people of Mexican American origin, the Secondary Teaching emphasis offers valuable student teaching and field experiences through the UNC partner school program.
Minor and Endorsement Options
Mexican American Studies Minor
In this 18-credit minor, you’ll learn about the largest Latino population in the United States while developing your understanding and appreciation for diversity. Covers topics including Mexican American history, culture, education, psychology, demographics, politics and contributions to literature.
Bilingual Bicultural Education Endorsement
Designed for elementary, secondary and K-12 education licensure students and students earning a K-12 ESL endorsement, the Bilingual Bicultural Education Endorsement teaches Spanish language skills, children’s literature in Spanish and K-12 curriculum in Spanish.
Related Programs
Your Future in Mexican American Studies
According to the Pew Research Center, the Latino population, already the nation’s largest minority group, will triple in size and will account for most of the nation’s population growth from 2005 through 2050. Much of this population will originate from our closest neighbor, Mexico. With a rich understanding of Mexican culture, you’ll be well positioned to help shape the political, economic and educational future of the United States.
Consider UNC's Mexican American Studies B.A. if you want to:
- Gain a deeper understanding of Mexican American history and culture
- Teach social studies to culturally diverse students
- Study in small classes while actively engaging with the surrounding community
You’ll learn:
- Mexican American history, culture, education, psychology, demographics and politics
- Contemporary issues in Mexican American society
- How to integrate Mexican American culture and intellectual history into pedagogy
Sample courses:
- Mexican American Politics and Leadership
- Global Population and Human Needs
- Dynamics of Racism
- Masterpieces in Chicano/a Literature
- Education of the Mexican American Student
- Human Services Helping Skills
Current Research in Spanish Language Study
In addition to being caring, dedicated educators who work closely with students, our professors are noted researchers in their fields of study. Our current research projects include:
History Colorado
Priscilla Falcon, Ph.D., Program Coordinator of Mexican American Studies
Priscilla Falcon’s participation with History Colorado, to chronicle the voices and actions of the Colorado Chicano Movement of the 1960’s, culminated with an exhibit entitled El Movimiento. The exhibit immerses the viewer in the urgency and vitality of one of Colorado’s most important social movements, artifacts, images and voices of activists reveal the struggle for social justice and civil rights.
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